o   En

   weisheipl, James: the principle omne quod movetur ab alio movetur in medieval physics

    Berggren, J.L: Habash`s Analemma for Representing Azimuth Circles on the Astrolabe

     Berggren, J.L.; Van Brummelen, G: Abu Sahl al,Kuhi on Two Geometrical Questions

       De Young, Gregg: Ibn  Al,Sari on Ex Aequali ratios

     Gyekye, Kwame: The Term Istithnā’ in Arabic Logic

    Gyekye, Kwaman: the terms “prima intentio” and “secunda intentio”  in Arabic logic

      McGinnis, Jon: Scientific Methodologies in Medieval Islam

   P. Hogendijk, Jan: The Treatise on Geometry in al,Hindi`s Problems of Philosophy

    Rescher, Nicholas: A Ninth,Century Arabic Logician on: Is Existence a Predicate?

      Rosenfeld, Boris; P. Hogendijk, Jan: A Mathematical Treatise Written in the Samarqand, Observatory of Ulugh Beg

    Walbridge, John: Logic in The Islamic Intellectual Tradition: The Recent Centuries


o   Ger

     Brentjes, Sinja: Das Kapitel Zur Zahlentheorie in den Problemen der Philosophie von Al,Hindi

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